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LARA on the Web

  • Date

    4 June 2021

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Graffica and EUROCONTROL have developed a new web-based client for LARA. Developed in partnership with the LARA users, with NATS playing a key role, the LARA Web Booking Client (WBC) provides a subset of the desktop client functionality via a web application which can be used on any device with a modern browser, including tablets, without the need for any other software. Removing the requirement for Java on client devices allows for more flexible deployments and opens up LARA to more stakeholders.

Key features of the WBC include:

  • A Gantt chart for viewing and managing airspace reservations
  • Common situational awareness from wherever you are
  • The ability to take part in the full collaborative decision-making process

The WBC will be rolled out to users in the coming months, extending the reach of LARA’s flexible airspace management to more airspace users.

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